Tag: Evil

Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations

The Psychopathic Hijacking of Religious Moral Authority

Source: Jordan B Peterson Clips via YouTube. Dr. Peterson and Abigail Shrier discuss the complexities of evil, its various prototypes, and how it often masquerades as benevolence or compassion, manipulating trust and morality. Drawing from literature like Dante’s Inferno and works by Eric Neumann and Jeffrey Burton Russell, Peterson provides […]

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Catholic, Teaching, Videos

The Parasite of Evil

Friends, we are reading during these weeks of summer from the thirteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, which contains many of the great parables of Jesus. But I want to focus just on one today because it’s so rich both theologically and spiritually: the parable of the wheat and the weeds. […]

Catholic, Presentations

How to deal with demons

In this episode Fr. Mark Goring, recounts how Saint Faustina dealt with being surrounded by a pack of wolves, demons in reality, which were ready to tear her apart. So how do you deal with the demonic, while maintaining your peace. The answer from Saint Faustina’s diary, is total faith and trust in a loving Father God, who is quite capable of looking after us, his children, no matter what our circumstances may seem to indicate.

Teaching, Videos

Bishop Barron on The Devil

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube In this short video Bishop Robert Barron (Fr. Barron at the time) discusses the many aspects of the devil, his deceit, deception and murderous activity, but he also emphasises that we don’t have to be beholding to these dark powers. The devil has been […]

Teaching, Videos

Flannery O’Connor’s Vision of Grace – Prof. Jennifer Frey

Source: The Thomistic Institute via YouTube LIVESTREAM – Hillbilly Thomism: Flannery O’Connor’s Vision of Grace – Prof. Jennifer Frey Subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheThomisti… Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/ThomisticIns… https://www.instagram.com/thomisticin… https://twitter.com/thomisticInst Visit us at: https://thomisticinstitute.org/ Header image:

Teaching, Videos

Never Do Evil That Good May Come Of It

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, even as we legitimately fight the great social evils of our time, we must remember Paul’s simple but trenchant principle: never do evil that good might come of it. Please watch and share my latest video commentary. ———LINKS——— Why We Can’t Do Evil […]