I would like to draw particular attention to a remarkable passage in this encyclical, namely section 17, in which Paul VI plays the prophet and lays out, clearly and succinctly, what he foresees as consequences of turning away from the Church’s classic teaching on sex.
Archive of Articles or Videos posted to MediaArk.com
Persecution for Speaking the Truth
Homily by Fr. James Altman, on the persecution of Christians, holy saints, the apostles, and why so many clergy even today do not speak out against the injustices they see happening.
Bishop Barron on Netflix’s “Unorthodox” and the Modern Myth of Origins
Friends, in my newest video commentary, I talk about “Unorthodox,” a mini-series that debuted on Netflix a few weeks ago. It’s an admittedly compelling and well-acted drama, but more than a little problematic.
Understanding “Call No Man Father”
Jesus instructed his followers to “call no man father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven” (Mt. 23:9). How are we to understand the meaning of this command? Jimmy Akin explains..
St Joan of Arc
According to Wikipedia, Joan of Arc, nicknamed “The Maid of Orléans”, is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years’ War, and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint. In this video, we hear how she foretold of a great defeat for France against the English, and how she could lead France to victory, which she did, only to be betrayed by the very people she had fought for – thus imitating in her life, Christ’s betrayal by Judas.
More Dangerous Than Atheism?
Author: “In this in-person interview, I sit down with Alisa Childers to discuss “Progressive Christianity.” Is this new movement dangerous to Christianity?”
Archbishop Viganò’s letter to President Trump
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released a letter to President Trump warning him that the current crises over the coronavirus pandemic and the George Floyd riots are a part of the eternal spiritual struggle between the forces of good and evil. He encourages the president to continue the fight on behalf of the “children of light.”
The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is the most fundamental of all truths in the Christian faith that all other truths of the faith rest upon.
The difference between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and most, if not all, other mysteries of our faith is that this mystery of the Trinity is not about what God has done for us but about who God is in himself.
Why Saudis are following Christ!
Christian convert Nasser al’Qahtani tells how as a Muslim he came to America, was trapped there because of the war in Iraq, married an American woman, and eventually, at great cost to himself, and suffering the rejection of his family in Saudi Arabia, became a believing Christian. He then recounts how that experience changed his life, his relationship with his wife, his career and in obedience to Jesus, his current mission to evangelise those whom Christ sends him to, not through arguments or apologetics, but through love.
How to Practice the Presence of God
Source: Ascension Presents via YouTube Throughout the Gospels Jesus says, “Remain in me” or “abide in me,” which—in simplified terms—means whatever you do, invite Jesus along. Ask him to “come with.” This is a way to grow in your relationship with him, but it’s also a smart thing to do […]
Mormons Refuted in 4 Points by Dr Taylor Marshall
Here’s how to refute Mormons in 4 Points, presented by Dr. Taylor Marshall from the New Saint Thomas Institute. Do you want to join NSTI and earn your Certificate in Catholic Theology? Visit: newsaintthomas.com
Source: Catholic Productions via YouTube As Pentecost approaches, have you ever wondered where does the feast of Pentecost come from? Is Pentecost just a Christian feast or was Pentecost a festival that was already being celebrated at the time of Jesus and before? If so, what would’ve the feast of […]