Source: Word on Fire Institute via Join Mark Bradford, Fellow for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, for a powerful three-session seminar: “Three Threats to the Disabled—And What We Can Do About It.” In Session 1, explore how the eugenics movement has evolved in the US and the role […]
Catholic & Christianity
Range of Catholic teaching and presentations e.g. Catholic Presentations, Catholic Teaching, Conversion Stories, Eucharistic Miracles, Prayers, and Vocation Stories.
God is testing your patience (You asked for this)
Source: Connor Woodman via ‘Connor’ covers asking God for something, doesn’t mean it will come wrapped in a pretty box, but that in the way ‘you need it’ – which is likely to include pain and suffering! However, the process will be worthwhile and give you insights ‘you asked […]
Jesus’ Perspective on Wealth in 6 Minutes
Source: BibleProject via Join us for the eighth episode exploring the most well-known collection of Jesus’ teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. In this video, you’ll learn: Watch the Sermon on the Mount video series here: • Sermon on the Mount Subscribe to our channel for more explainer videos about the Bible: / @bibleproject […]
Science Led Me To God: Fr. Peter Turrone
Source: EWTN via Growing up in Toronto, Canada, Fr. Peter Turrone had a complicated relationship with faith and God. He witnessed how religious differences made his parents argue at home, and after his aunt died from cancer, despite his prayers to God to save her, he decided he wasn’t […]
Rosary Podcast Tops Joe Rogan
Source: EWTN via Fr. Mark-Mary Ames explains why so many people are listening to his “The Rosary in a Year” podcast. He also talks about the benefits and pitfalls of media, the necessity of silent prayer, the cost of discipleship, the value of Catholicism, and having hope in the […]
The most abused (or unused) gift from God
Source: Biblical Bookworm via When I was a little girl, I remember a priest saying that “beauty is the most abused and unused gift from God”. After this idea has been living in my mind for years, I decided to expand on it in this video. Drawing the line […]
Two Miracles I Witnessed Recently
Source: Brian Holdsworth via Support the channel by visiting: or Today I wanted to share a couple stories of miracles or answered prayers I experienced recently that helped me find more reason to turn to God in the little moments of adversity in life. I hope you […]
British Evangelist Slashed, Imprisoned, Threatened with Death, Keeps Going
Source: CBN News via LONDON – An ex-Muslim turned Christian evangelist has been beaten, chased by angry mobs, unlawfully jailed and even stabbed, all for the sake of the Gospel. This is not in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. It is officially happening in Christian Britain. Her name is Hatun […]
A Secret Weapon For Reading The Bible.
Source: St. Paul Center via Order Breaking the Bread Year C: In the latest episode of The Road to Emmaus, Dr. Jeffrey Morrow joins Scott Hahn and the St. Paul Center in our brand new studio to discuss Scott’s newest book with Ken Ogorek, Breaking the Bread: Year […]
Which Kingdom Are You In?
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Friends, we come to the end of the liturgical year with the Feast of Christ the King, where we meditate upon the kingly reign or rule of Christ. Now, we in the modern liberal West have a hard time with kings; we like democratic […]
The Call of the Beautiful: Prague
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Friends, in October 2024, I gave a lecture to the students at Charles University in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. My hosts arranged a marvelous tour of the city, and I was struck by its overwhelming beauty—a beauty so clearly connected to […]
The DEVIL does this all the time, until you learn his trick
Source: Heralds of the Gospel via 🔴Consecration to Jesus through Mary will TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. Find out more:🔴 🔵Please HELP us TOUCH SOULS:🔵 / @heraldsofthegospel_official Daily Gospel Meditation | Fr. Timothy Ring, EP Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 🔶Gospel🔶 Mk 10:46-52 As Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples […]