Source: EWTN via Growing up in Toronto, Canada, Fr. Peter Turrone had a complicated relationship with faith and God. He witnessed how religious differences made his parents argue at home, and after his aunt died from cancer, despite his prayers to God to save her, he decided he wasn’t […]
Engaging stories of people who converted to the Catholic or Christian faiths.
British Evangelist Slashed, Imprisoned, Threatened with Death, Keeps Going
Source: CBN News via LONDON – An ex-Muslim turned Christian evangelist has been beaten, chased by angry mobs, unlawfully jailed and even stabbed, all for the sake of the Gospel. This is not in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. It is officially happening in Christian Britain. Her name is Hatun […]
Jewish to Catholic | My Conversion
Source: The War on Beauty via I converted from Judaism to Catholicism recently, and my faith journey was long and winding but I am so grateful for how it happened! God truly does work in mysterious ways, and even at the times I was not close to Him, he […]
Is the Eucharist really Jesus?
‘christdefender’ discusses her thinking around the Eucharist and her journey from Protestant to Catholicism. Stay to the very end for an insight on her journey. Header image: christdefender via
10 Anti-Catholic lies I learned in Seminary and taught in Bible Churches
It has been a long process to “deprogram” some of the anti-Catholic lies I learned and perpetuated. This episode introduces 10 of these anti-Catholic lies Header image: Contemplating Catholicism via
KATHY GRACE DUNKAN – Transition Testimony
Kathy Grace is a woman from Portland, USA who from a very young age wanted to be a boy. After 11 years of living as a man, she regretted her transition and now accompanies numerous young women with gender identity issues. Documentary “Transformed” : • TRANSFORMED Header image: La Verdad Os […]
Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Becoming Catholic
Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch political commentator and activist, outspoken on many controversial issues in Holland. Over the years she has built up a large following online, becoming a popular figure in the world of conservative politics. Growing up, her faith was never that important to her, so it came […]
Catholic BISHOP calls out PROTESTANT pastors and PREACHING !
JD Catholic Engage is a Catholic channel that seeks to foster a deeper understanding of our Catholic faith by engaging with atheists, Protestants, non-Christians, and our fellow Catholics. Original Video: • Campus Activism, Gen Z, and Locals w/… Support – / songonfire Get in touch – Instagram – / songonfirecatholic Tiktok- / jdsongonfirecatholic Facebook – / songonfire16 Other Youtube Channels […]
Challenging the Medical-Industrial Complex (Guest: Dr. John Bruchalski)
Dr. John Bruchalski was an abortion-performing physician, but he came to question his views about the purpose of medicine, eventually becoming a pro-life obstetrician and bucking the medical establishment along the way. Guest: Dr. John Bruchalski earned his medical degree from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in […]
The TRANS Phenomenon – Insights from a former Gay Rights Activist.
Source: HLI via Same Sex Relationships & Identity issues -Episode 3 (Theme 3 ). Lisa is joined by James Parker and Patrick McCrystal as they delve into the roots of the Transgender phenomenon and shed the light of the Gospel on the issue. Header image: HLI via
Glen’s story. Freemason has near death experience, and finds God.
Source: John R. Lilley via Glen was a Freemason who died in hospital, and was reached by God through ‘An Allegiance Encounter’, just as in the Book of Acts, chapter 14. Header image: John R. Lilley via
How I Ended Up Catholic!
Source: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube. ‘ve shared my story on other channels but I wanted to share it here as well. Apologies for the voice… i’m a bit sick in this video. Also, trying out a new video structure. Follow me on Instagram: @thejewishcatholic Why I’m still Catholic: • Still Catholic? WHY?! […]