Source: BibleProject via Join us for the eighth episode exploring the most well-known collection of Jesus’ teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. In this video, you’ll learn: Watch the Sermon on the Mount video series here: • Sermon on the Mount Subscribe to our channel for more explainer videos about the Bible: / @bibleproject […]
A range of Christian topics illustrated in animation format.
Challenge to Origin of Life: Cell Membranes
Source: Discovery Science via YouTube Challenge to Origin of Life: Cell Membranes (Long Story Short, Ep. 6) Cells can’t exist without membranes to protect them. So any explanation of the origin of life needs to explain the development of cell membranes. Some scientists claim cell membranes would have been easy […]
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Doodle (I)
Source: CSLewisDoodle via YouTube “The devil…and the proud spirit…cannot endure to be mocked.”— Thomas More. “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.” — Luther. (1:45) Part of the dramatised […]
The Great Sin: by C. S. Lewis
Source: CSLewisDoodle via YouTube. The Great Sin by C. S. Lewis Doodle (BBC Talk 16, Mere Christianity, Bk. 3, Chapter 8). Take a moment. Could this be your biggest problem in life? ‘There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the […]
So, You’re Pregnant…
Source: Choice42 on YouTube You didn’t plan this. You didn’t want it. And now you have a choice to make. Take a breath…you can do this. Header image: Choice42 on YouTube
A Whale of an Evolution Tale
Source: Discovery Science: A Whale of an Evolution Tale (Long Story Short, Ep. 2) via YouTube Darwinists often point to the whale fossil record as one of the best examples of an evolutionary transition. But is it? Charles Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species: “I can see no difficulty […]
How Can Jesus Be the Only Way?
Source: drcraigvideos on YouTube For More Information check out these popular level writings:… And these scholarly level ones:… Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig and aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective […]
Tree of Life
Source: Tree of Life via BibleProject on YouTube In the opening pages of the Bible, God gives humanity a gift that they quickly forfeit—eternal life that comes by eating from the tree of life. In this video, we explore the meaning of this powerful image and how sacred trees play […]