English Speaking Service
MCN Media TV
Service provider offering live and recorded church services including masses for Canada, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, USA and Wales.
Select your country, state/locality and choose from a range of visual representations from the churches provided. Save this link on your computer for repeated visits.
Church Services TV
Service provider offering live and recorded church services and masses throughout the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland.
You can use the ‘Find A Church’ search box to locate a particular church or click on the ‘Next Live Service’ playlist. Save this link on your computer for repeated visits.
Please note that some churches in Ireland use the alternative MCN service. So, if you don’t find your church of choice with Church Services TV, try the MCN Media TV service provider, listed below.
Radio Maria Ireland
Daily Gospel and Homily from the studios of Radio Maria Ireland (Vimeo).
Daily Catechises (Chatechisis) with Fr. Eamonn McCarthy on (Vimeo).
Also via Radio Maria Ireland on YouTube
Header image: Josh Applegate on unsplash.com