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Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

In Science, How “Assumed Atheism” Harms Religious Students

Source: Robert Shedinger via Evolution News Reprinted with permission Methodological naturalism is truly today a defining characteristic of science. Given this, are there any good reasons to make a meaningful distinction between methodological naturalism and metaphysical naturalism, as some still try to do? Since scientists can be religious believers, we […]

Audio Podcasts, Education, Presentations

Dr. Keri D. Ingraham on the Crisis in American Education

(Used with permission) Source Humanize Center for Human Exceptionalism via It’s no secret that American education is in a profound crisis. From dismal academic performance, to bitter contention over gender ideology taught in elementary school, the damage caused by COVID school lockdowns, a collapse in discipline, and fear of […]
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

There Is No Thinking without Memorising

Source: Jon D. Schaff via Originally appeared int Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission. We deploy faddish educational notions such as “critical thinking” to the detriment of our students. What is often derided as “rote-learning” is actually essential to sophisticated analysis. […]
Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Moving From A Crisis of Beauty To A Culture of Reverence

Source: Margarita Mooney Clayton via Reprinted with permission. The present time of crisis in higher education may tempt us away from pondering fundamental questions about the human person that are essential to understanding what education is all about. But educators should not fall prey to cultural or societal pessimism—it […]

Documentary, Education, Long Format, Videos

Indoctrination: How Woke Conquered the Classroom

Source: The New Culture Forum via YouTube. The New Culture Forum proudly presents “Indoctrination: How Woke Conquered the Classroom”, the tenth episode in our acclaimed documentary series: #NCFHERESIES. It is written and presented by Fr. Calvin Robinson, broadcaster and commentator but also a former teacher and school governor closely involved […]
Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

University Life Depends on the Moral Life

Source: John F. Doherty via Printed with permission.Originally appeared in  The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ. Reason cannot become right reason unless the will is in love with the Truth; intellectual formation requires moral formation. And yet, as my previous essay argued, the […]
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Loving Theory Instead of Literature

Source: Lee Trepanier via Originally appeared in  The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission. After reading Terry Eagleton’s new book, Critical Revolutionaries, the message is quite clear for those who love literature: avoid graduate school, find others who share your passion, […]