Christianity & Science

Christianity and science, contrary to some narratives, are in fact complementary by nature. Indeed it was the Catholic Church which founded the modern university system of education that led to many scientific discoveries that today we take for granted. The impetus was to seek to understand the objective truth and beauty of the world around us, and in so doing to come to a deeper understanding of both the Creator and his work of creation.
Christianity & Science, Culture, Science & Society

Procreating Alone

Source: Kevin Schmiesing via Reprinted with permission. If sexual attraction is one powerful force that God built into the world to counteract the individual’s inclination to self-absorption, then the combination of technological and cultural assaults on this urge doesn’t threaten only the formation of families, the basic unit of […]
Christianity & Science, Presentations, Videos

Which is More Scientific?

Source: The Kolbe Centre for the Study of Creation via Definition of Science: “The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment”. – “Today we are often told that molecules turned into men […]
Catholic, Christianity & Science, Presentations, Videos

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Investigating medically unexplained cures | 60 Minutes

Source: 60 Minutes via Bill Whitaker reports on the unexplained healings that have occurred at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in the south of France, and the team of world-renowned doctors and researchers who investigate the claims of cures. #60Minutes #Religion #news Quote from 60 Minutes’ YouTube […]
Articles, Catholic, Christianity & Science, Teaching

The ‘New Paradigm’ Can’t Deliver

Source: Fr. Timothy V. Vaverek via Reprinted with permission. Since the 1960s, progressive Catholics have promoted a new morality to replace older, normative approaches that they believe foster guilt and exclusion. Prominent cardinals and bishops have embraced this “New Paradigm” and are using the international synodal process to spread […]
Articles, Audio Podcasts, Christianity & Science

Michael Behe and Matthew Ramage Debate Evolution and ID, Pt. 1

Source: ID THE FUTURE via idthefuture.comReprinted with permission Today’s ID the Future brings the first part of a friendly debate/discussion between Lehigh University biologist and intelligent design proponent Michael Behe and Catholic theologian Matthew Ramage. Led by Philosophy for the People podcast host Pat Flynn, Behe starts by noting that he is […]