Christianity & Science Long Format Presentations Videos

Scientism is Unbelieveable

Source: Discovery Science via

Historian of science Michael Keas critiques the idea of “scientism,” the claim that only science (not religion) is reasonable. He explains how this idea is based on fake stories about Christianity being at war with science in history. According to Keas, scientism also ignores evidence of how Christianity actually stimulated the growth of science.

This presentation was taped at the 2022 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith in the greater Philadelphia area, which was jointly sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Westminster Theological Seminary. Michael Keas is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute and is author of the book, Unbelievable: 7 Myths about the History and Future of Science and Religion. He serves as lecturer in the history and philosophy of science at Biola University and on the board of directors of Ratio Christi, an alliance of apologetics clubs on college campuses. He earned his PhD in the history of science from the University of Oklahoma.


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External link:
Unbelievable: The Myth of Future Alien Enlightenment with Science Historian Michael Keas.
Will alien contact bring alien enlightenment, when we receive the wisdom accumulated over billions of years of cosmo-cultural evolution?
Link: Discovery Science via