his week, Jimmy takes on a tough subject! The question of why God would create someone he knows is going to hell is a common one, with various attempts to address it online. Most responses tend to either talk around the issue or simply dismiss it as a mystery. While […]
Tag: God
Science and the Evidence of God – Fr. Robert Spitzer
Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. is the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith and the Spitzer Center. In his Keynote he speaks about the evidence of God through understanding the Universe. There is an encouraging number of young scientists that are more open to God than ever before. […]
Darwin’s “God Wouldn’t Do It This Way” Argument
Source: Robert Shedinger via evolutionnews.org Reprinted with permission. Evoution News & Science Today: Editor’s note: We are delighted to present an excerpt from the new book by Dr. Shedinger, Darwin’s Bluff: The Mystery of the Book Darwin Never Finished. This article is adapted from Chapter 3. Aside from proposing a naturalistic […]
‘If Europe does not wake up, you will all be dead’: Naomi Wolf
Source: blckbx via YouTube.com ‘Facing the Beast’ is the title of the new book by American writer and journalist Naomi Wolf, a book about ‘trust, courage, and resistance in a new dark time’. Program maker Flavio Pasquino invited her to Edam to talk about, among other things, the creation of […]
Doctrine and the Cure of Souls
Source: Anthony Esolen via The Catholic Thing. Reprinted with permission. One of my neighbors is a pleasant and apparently hard-working young man with a child by a marriage that smashed on the rocks. He has nothing good to say about his ex-wife, so he says nothing at all, though you […]
All the Way Down
Source: Bishop Barron via YouTube.com Friends, on Palm Sunday, the culminating point of Lent, the Church reads from one of the great Passion narratives from the synoptic Gospels. But I want to look at the second reading today—a passage from the second chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, the […]
How to Make Life-Changing Decisions
Source: Nathaniel Peters via thepublicdiscourse.com Originally appeared in The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission For the most significant choices of our lives, we only learn what the decision entails after we make it. This creates something of a dilemma. We […]
Counting the Cost by C.S. Lewis
Source: CSLewisDoodle via YouTube.com BBC Talk 24A, Mere Christianity, Bk. 4, Chapter 9. “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to re-build that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He’s doing. He’s getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: […]
University Life Depends on the Moral Life
Source: John F. Doherty via thepublicdiscourse.com. Printed with permission.Originally appeared in The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ. Reason cannot become right reason unless the will is in love with the Truth; intellectual formation requires moral formation. And yet, as my previous essay argued, the […]
Scientism is Unbelieveable
Source: Discovery Science via youtube.com Historian of science Michael Keas critiques the idea of “scientism,” the claim that only science (not religion) is reasonable. He explains how this idea is based on fake stories about Christianity being at war with science in history. According to Keas, scientism also ignores evidence […]
No God, No Science
When we use our reason to try to understand something, we are assuming, from the outset, that the thing we are investigating can be understood by reason because it is reasonable and that it will reveal itself in a rational way, that behind the mystery of the thing, there is order and governance that can be discerned.
Undeniable Proof of God’s Existence
Both atheists and theists alike, on the question of God’s existence, like to portray their position as the more rational one. Atheists will say, prove it to me. You’re making extraordinary claims, therefore give me irrefutable evidence such that it would be impossible to deny. This, btw, is a standard of proof far in excess of anything science has ever had to demonstrate.