Tag: God

Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

University Life Depends on the Moral Life

Source: John F. Doherty via thepublicdiscourse.com. Printed with permission.Originally appeared in  The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ. Reason cannot become right reason unless the will is in love with the Truth; intellectual formation requires moral formation. And yet, as my previous essay argued, the […]

Brian Holdsworth https://youtu.be/KgkukXBCfO8
Christianity & Science, Videos

No God, No Science

When we use our reason to try to understand something, we are assuming, from the outset, that the thing we are investigating can be understood by reason because it is reasonable and that it will reveal itself in a rational way, that behind the mystery of the thing, there is order and governance that can be discerned.

Presentations, Videos

Undeniable Proof of God’s Existence

Both atheists and theists alike, on the question of God’s existence, like to portray their position as the more rational one. Atheists will say, prove it to me. You’re making extraordinary claims, therefore give me irrefutable evidence such that it would be impossible to deny. This, btw, is a standard of proof far in excess of anything science has ever had to demonstrate.