Articles, Catholic, Christianity

On the Subject of Miracles

Source: Donald deMarco via National Catholic Register Reprinted with permission Science, which studies the nature and order of the physical universe, by virtue of its limitations, is unable to confirm or deny that there are such things as miracles. A miracle, by definition, defies the laws of nature.  Being habituated […]
Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

Catholics and Protestants Slide Together into Gnostic Private Cults

Source: William Kilpatrick via Reprinted with permission The second of a two-part series. Until recently, Protestants were more likely than Catholics to succumb to the Gnostic temptation I described in a recent column. In a 2008 article for Modern Reformation, Philip J. Lee described how both Mainline and “born again” Protestants were […]
Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

‘Ocean Rights’ Earth Religion Advances in the UN

Source: Wesley J. Smith via Reprinted with permission. The “international world order” is increasingly radical in its environmental engagement and anti-human in the policies it promotes. In the great cause of “saving the planet,” scientific precepts and empirical analyses are being cast aside in favor of a neo-earth religious […]
Audio Podcasts, Catholic, Christianity, Teaching

Joseph Ratzinger: Aspects of Christian Meditation – Catholic Culture Audiobooks

“All the aspirations which the prayer of other religions expresses are fulfilled in the reality of Christianity beyond all measure.” This ecclesial document was written in 1989 by the then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger, who would later become Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger was […]

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash
Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

In Science, How “Assumed Atheism” Harms Religious Students

Source: Robert Shedinger via Evolution News Reprinted with permission Methodological naturalism is truly today a defining characteristic of science. Given this, are there any good reasons to make a meaningful distinction between methodological naturalism and metaphysical naturalism, as some still try to do? Since scientists can be religious believers, we […]
Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations

The Psychopathic Hijacking of Religious Moral Authority

Source: Jordan B Peterson Clips via YouTube. Dr. Peterson and Abigail Shrier discuss the complexities of evil, its various prototypes, and how it often masquerades as benevolence or compassion, manipulating trust and morality. Drawing from literature like Dante’s Inferno and works by Eric Neumann and Jeffrey Burton Russell, Peterson provides […]

Pope Benedict via Flickr -
Articles, Catholic, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

Pope Benedict on Intelligent Design and the Dangers of Darwinian Materialism

Source: Bruce Chapman via evolutionnews.orgReprinted with permission Recalling the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI, I will always appreciate the fact that he recognized the dangers of Darwinian materialism, perhaps most strikingly in the homily he delivered at his installation in 2005. “We are not some casual and meaningless product of […]