Tag: Catholic Church

Articles, Catholic & Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations

Is the Church’s Priority Saving Souls, or Saving the Earth?

Source: Katarina Carranco via pop.org Over geological time, the earth’s climate has varied from tropical (think dinosaurs) to ice age (think woolly mammoths) and back again. We’re currently living in an interglacial period, and if another ice age descends upon us, as it well may, there is nothing we can […]

Articles, Culture, Science & Society

Why Church-State relations in Ireland are unlike anywhere else

Source: James Bradshaw, via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission. Historically, the relationship between Church and State in Ireland was unique. Professor John Henry Whyte’s (1928-1990) Church & State in Modern Ireland, 1923 – 1970 was published in 1971. Whyte described the purpose of the book as being three-fold. He aimed to examine Church-State relations […]

Presentations, Videos

The Good the Church Does

Source: Iona Institute via YouTube The Catholic Church receives a lot of criticism (some of it deserved), but it also does a lot of good every minute of every day as this new video from The Iona Institute explains. Please watch and share! Header image: Carlos Daniel via cathopic.com

Teaching, Videos

Overcoming Extremism in the Church

Source: Bishop Barron on YouTube Church: Clerically Speaking Podcast (Part 2) Friends, in this second video clip from the Clerically Speaking Podcast with Fr. Harrison Ayre and Fr. Anthony Sciarappa, our discussion centers on the theology of the Church, or ecclesiology. I express my concerns regarding the abuse scandal, the […]