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1605 Frans Francken the Younger, 'The Seven Works of Mercy' on
Teaching, Videos

The Corporal Works of Mercy

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube In this video, Dr. Pitre discusses the Corporal Works of Mercy based on Isaiah 58, Matthew 5 and Matthew 25. Being a disciple of Jesus entails engaging in acts of charity, works of mercy and evangelization. To learn more about this passage, and for all […]
Animations, Christian Stories

How Can Jesus Be the Only Way?

Source: drcraigvideos on YouTube For More Information check out these popular level writings:… And these scholarly level ones:… Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig and aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective […]

Image: The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena by Clemente de Torres
Articles, Presentations

There Is No ‘Catholic Feminism’

Source: crisismagazine.comAuthor: Jane StannusReprinted with permission Modern Catholicism needs to re-examine its uneasy relationship with feminism, and there’s no better time than this year’s tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade. As it turns out, January 22 follows hard on the heels of a new landmark—January 15—for Catholic feminists, namely, the Pope’s unprecedented […]
Persecution, Videos

Cardinal Joseph Zen: Interview

Source: Church Militant on YouTube Get the Truth. Join Church Militant today: Go to our website to watch thousands of hours of Catholic content. Sign up for a Premium account. Follow us on Social Media! CM Twitter – (@Church_Militant) Michael Voris — Christine Niles — […]
Teaching, Videos

Entering the Desert of Lent

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube With the beginning of Lent right around the corner, Bishop Barron talks about this ancient period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter, and offer several recommendations on how to have a more spiritually powerful Lent. A listener asks: If God made […]