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Why Celibacy?

Source: Father John Hollowell on YouTube Homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A #Celibacy #Catholicism #Priesthood Header image: External link:Interview with Cardinal Sarah on celibacy at

Teaching, Videos

Purgatory in the Bible

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube Where is purgatory in the Bible? If you asked many people where is Purgatory in the Bible, you may either get blank stares, possibly be told, vaguely, it’s somewhere in the Old Testament (which is true), perhaps in the letters of St. Paul (which is […]

Teaching, Videos

Parable of the Mustard Seed

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube The parable of the mustard seed and the mulberry tree have Jesus presenting 2 seemingly ridiculous scenarios: if your faith is small (rather than large) like a mustard seed then you can uproot a tree with a massive root system (effectively impossible) and plant it […]