Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, the Gospel on this Fourth Sunday of Lent includes one of the most famous verses in the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have […]
Tag: fear
How Stalin Canceled ‘Hamlet’ in the Soviet Union—and What It Can Teach Us about Cancel Culture
Source: Jon Miltimore via FEE StoriesReprinted with permission. Mass fear can result in censorship that is just as stifling and oppressive as government bans, history shows. William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is considered by some to be the single greatest story ever written. Hamlet has it all: ghosts, sword fights, […]
The Demonic Dimension of the Pandemic
Source: Fr. Ed Meeks, Caritas in Veritate via YouTube Fr. Ed Meeks on how the devil is making his presence more visible throughout society during the pandemic.
How to deal with demons
In this episode Fr. Mark Goring, recounts how Saint Faustina dealt with being surrounded by a pack of wolves, demons in reality, which were ready to tear her apart. So how do you deal with the demonic, while maintaining your peace. The answer from Saint Faustina’s diary, is total faith and trust in a loving Father God, who is quite capable of looking after us, his children, no matter what our circumstances may seem to indicate.
Fr Eamonn – Fear Not
Source: Radio Maria Ireland via YouTube Fr. Eamonn McCarthy, Priest Director of Radio Maria Ireland, offers words of hope and encouragement during this current lockdown. To find out more about RMI please Header image: George Arthur via
Dr. Jeff Barke—Covid19: Take the Truth, Leave the Fear
Source: via YouTube Livestream with Dr. Jeff Barke—Covid19: Take the Truth, Leave the Fear Featured presenter at Truth Over Fear. Register today. Header image: Jeff Barke M.D. via
Afraid of the Coronavirus?
Wearing masks, not wearing masks, and all the mixed emotions that have come with the coronavirus reveal that—as a society—we lack freedom from the fear of death. Maybe you know someone who has died from the virus, or someone who lost their livelihood due to the lockdown. Many are wondering when they can safely go out again, or when they can they go back to Mass.
Coronavirus: Be Not Afraid
Source: Fr. Jonathan Meyer, All Saints Parish on YouTube Header image: CDC on unsplash
Why are you afraid of being Catholic?
Source: Keith Nester on YouTube What is it about Roman Catholicism that causes such passionate responses both positive and negative? What does it mean if it’s true? How would your life change? What’s holding you back? There are lots of things that cause fear. Listen in as former protestant pastor […]