Source: Fr. Ed Meeks, Caritas in Veritate via YouTube Fr. Ed Meeks on how the devil is making his presence more visible throughout society during the pandemic.
Tag: pandemic
Catholic, Steven Mosher — Pandemic, Pandemonium and the Election
Source: Church Militant via YouTube Pandemonium: The Pandemic Road to Serfdom —… Sign up for the Rosary Novna Here:… Get the truth. Join Church Militant today: Vortex, Headlines, The Download, Mic’d Up and more Catholic content! Go to our website to watch thousands of hours of Catholic […]
Three Ecclesiastical Lessons from the Quarantine
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, in my newest video commentary, I offer three insights on the nature of the Church that have emerged with special clarity during this pandemic. Please watch and share! ———LINKS——— The Quarantine’s Three Lessons about the Church:… Bishop Barron on the Coronavirus, Catastrophe, […]