Tag: Patrick Coffin

Audio Podcasts, Culture, Science & Society, Long Format

Top Cardiac Doctor Warns Against the Vaccine

The world is awash with questions about the Covid 19 vaccine. Truthful answers are hard to come by. One reliable source for answers is renowned cardiac physician, scholar, and professor of medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, MD. He says he can no longer recommend the Covid vaccines in conscience to pregnant women of any age. The evidence of injuries and deaths, he says, is overwhelming, and deliberately understated by the media. He sat down for an uncensored conversation that will be of particular interest to parents.

Culture, Science & Society, Videos

The Truth About the Great Reset

The Great Reset is all the rage. Because we identify reset with a computer upgrade, it’s sold to us as something good. If a reset is good a great reset must be great. Right? The phrase comes from the founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum, (Schwab) Klaus Schwab. Mr. Schwab and his fellow oligarchs have been trying to gain some traction with this great reset saying for years without much traction. In fact, in a short propaganda video, the World Economic Forum predicts a world where, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” and that everyone will rent everything they need.

Teaching, Videos

When Things Are Bad, Do THIS

In this video I want to strongly recommend something that is easy to say and hard to do. It’s one of those recommendations that sound either impossible or just misguided, but extremely important as things in our lives and the world around us seem to get worse and worse. It’s this…

Culture, Science & Society, Teaching, Videos

How Can Birth Control Be Wrong? Part II

This is Part Two of a three-part video series on the reasons behind the Catholic Church’s teaching against contraception.
In this video, I explain the natural law reasoning behind the teaching. What is the natural law? (what rational beings must do to perfect their natures.) How easy is it to understand? (Yes!) Why does the Church rely on it if it’s not something revealed by God in the Bible?

Culture, Science & Society, Teaching, Videos

How Can Birth Control Be Wrong? Part III

In Part 3, I give you five facts that explode the myth that the world is suffering a population explosion (in reality it’s a population implosion), and two analogies to help understand the moral difference between natural family planning (NFP) and contraception. All the content is drawn from my book The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control.

Culture, Science & Society, Videos

The Truth About “A.K.A. Jane Roe”

A new documentary on FX purports that Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff “Jane Roe” in the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion in all 50 states in all stages of pregnancy—lied about being pro-life after all.

The main irony of this is Norma was used as a trophy by the National Abortion Rights Action League, and by Texas law school graduate Sarah Weddington who trawled for pregnant women looking for abortions—and who successfully brought the case to the Supreme Court.