Source: Grotto Network on YouTube Gillian Mocek was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was 10 months old, and doctors told her parents that she might live to age 18. Today, she is 27 years old, married, and a mother. “I have to learn to integrate CF into every aspect […]
Thomas Aquinas—Antidote to Modernism
Source: Sensus Fidelium on YouTube Just as the moderns are all in rebellion against the perennial philosophy so well expressed by St. Thomas Aquinas, so too is the very same Saint and his teachings the antidote to all modern errors… For more please visit & remember to say 3 […]
Inside the Vatican Museums
Source: EWTN on YouTube Visit the Vatican Museums, take an exclusive look at the Vatican Library, and catch up with a review of the news and events from the Museums. Header image: EWTN on YouTube
Viaggio a Roma – Swiss Guard Barracks
Source: The CatholicTV Network on YouTube Father Reed and a crew from the CatholicTV Network made their way around Rome and the Vatican to create this new series entitled “Viaggio a Roma” – or – a trip to Rome. This is exactly what this new series is, a trip around […]
Abortion & Ben Shapiro (REBUTTED)
Source: The Council of Trent on YouTube Trent examines the pro-choice arguments of Oliver Thorn over at Philosophy Tube, especially his criticism of Ben Shapiro using Judith Jarvis Thomson’s famous “Violinist” thought experiment. To support videos like this visit: Header image: Philosophy Tube on YouTube
Voting for the “lesser of two evils”
Source: Catholic Answers on YouTube Tim Staples discusses how Catholics can discern voting between two politicians when both candidates support one or more of the non-negotiable moral issues. Would you like a concise explanation of where the Church stands on five of today’s most important, non-negotiable moral issues? This important […]
The Galileo Myth
Source: Breaking in the Habit on YouTube Everyone’s heard the story of how Galileo was wrongly condemned by the Church for proposing scientific claims that contradicted the Bible. The problem with this story is that it was mostly made up in the 1800s and the Catholic Church, while not always […]
The Galileo Affair Doesn’t Bother Me
Source: Brian Holdsworth on YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: Galileo, as we all know, was an astronomer who put forward an idea known as heliocentrism which is the idea that the Earth rotates around the […]
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
Source: HM Television on YouTube The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, an outstanding Catholic figure of the 20th century. Kolbe was a man with great apostolic zeal, a precursor in the use of the Mass […]
Pray | The Saint Michael Prayer
Source: The Catholic TV Network on YouTube St. Michael is the guardian of the Church and a powerful intercessor for anyone facing spiritual attack. Whenever you need protection against the devil, call on St. Michael the Archangel. Header image: The Catholic TV Network on YouTube
7 Reasons to Love Thomas Aquinas
Source: Dr. Taylor Marshall on YouTube Dr. Taylor Marshall previews one of his New Saint Thomas Institute Lessons: 7 Reasons to love Saint Thomas Aquinas from Header image: Dr. Taylor Marshall on YouTube
All or Nothing: Sr. Clare Crockett
Source: HM Television on YouTubeDuration: 1:24:30 hour A budding actress leaves her career and the open doors to fame behind to give her life to God. Some might see this as a total failure. But was it? Those who knew Sr. Clare speak in this film. After her tragic death […]