
Hell - wall relief
Teaching, Videos

Hell Is for Real

Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube It’s a question that arises whenever someone challenges the beliefs of Christianity: If God is all-loving, why does he send people to hell? Some Christians choose to believe that hell doesn’t exist, or if it does, then only those guilty of the most heinous sins […]

Jackie Angel
Presentations, Videos

Aching to Find a Spouse?

Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Are you aching to find a spouse who understands you and your Catholic faith? Being called to the married life when you don’t have a spouse makes you feel like you’re putting your life on hold, waiting for someone to come along so you can […]

Presentations, Videos

The Dictatorship of Relativism

Source: Brian Holdsworth on YouTube Sponsor: Franciscan University of Steubenville graduate theology programs: Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: Pope Benedict, when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger, coined a phrase that I’ve returned to often in […]

church fathers 1
Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 1 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube Who were the Church Fathers, and why do they still matter today? Bishop Barron introduces these spiritual masters and shares their key contributions. In the first episode of our three-part series, he also discusses the three main Apostolic Fathers: – Clement (35 – 99) […]

church fathers 2
Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 2 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube In this second part of our series on the Church Fathers, Bishop Barron takes a look at some important Church Fathers from the pre-Nicene and Nicene periods, including Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, Athanasius, and Gregory of Nyssa. A listener asks how we can understand […]

Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 3 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube In this third and final part of our series on the Church Fathers, Bishop Barron examines four influential Fathers from the post-Nicene period: John Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory the Great. A listener asks whether to pray for people who are sick or simply […]