Source: Catholic Answers on catholic.comReprinted with permission Author: Karlo Broussard As we wrap up our conversations with Karlo Broussard on his book Meeting the Protestant Challenge, he asks: How can the Catholic Church teach that we need Tradition as well as Scripture when the Bible says that Scripture is sufficient? And […]
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.
Cloisters Are a Blessing to the Church and the World
Source: Catholic Answers via catholic.comReprinted with permission Author: Paul Senz As Christians living in the world, we are called to perform works of mercy, giving of ourselves for the sake of those who have less: feeding the hungry, visiting the imprisoned, clothing the naked. There are even some who feel […]
The Corporal Works of Mercy
Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube In this video, Dr. Pitre discusses the Corporal Works of Mercy based on Isaiah 58, Matthew 5 and Matthew 25. Being a disciple of Jesus entails engaging in acts of charity, works of mercy and evangelization. To learn more about this passage, and for all […]
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube For my keynote talk at the 2020 L.A. Religious Education Congress, I spoke about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Vatican II says that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. However, recent polls show a widespread misunderstanding […]
Catholic Schools and the Spirit of the Age
Source: Fr. Mark Goring on YouTube SUBSCRIBE – click link below to receive Fr. Mark’s daily videos by email… Header image: Taylor Wilcox on
Entering the Desert of Lent
Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube With the beginning of Lent right around the corner, Bishop Barron talks about this ancient period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter, and offer several recommendations on how to have a more spiritually powerful Lent. A listener asks: If God made […]
Learning to Experience God at Mass
Source: The Coming Home Network on YouTube As a Pentecostal missionary kid, Fr. Scott Borgman learned a deep love of Jesus, but recalls the pressure on his father to lead worship services that were of course based in Scripture, but needed to be entertaining on some level in order to […]
Why Isn’t Ash Wednesday a Holy Day of Obligation?
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Why is Ash Wednesday not a holy day of obligation? A holy day is a day that has been consecrated for God, so in that sense Ash Wednesday is a holy day. At the heart of a holy day of obligation, however, is the Resurrection. […]
4 Reasons for Fasting
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Why do we fast? Fr. Mike explains that it’s not about getting more love and attention from God. Fasting is about self-mastery, discernment, sacrifice, and being a co-redeemer with Jesus. In this video, Fr. Mike dives deeper into these four reasons, helping you make the […]
Your 40 Days in the Desert with Jesus
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Dr. Edward Sri explains that Lent is our forty days in the desert with Jesus. The New Testament roots of Lent lie in Jesus’ forty days of fasting in the desert, and his forty days were prefigured by the Jews forty years of wandering in […]
The Biblical Roots of Ash Wednesday
Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube In this video, Dr. Pitre gives insight into the Biblical foundation for Ash Wednesday, as well as the rationale and purpose of the season of Lent. He addresses questions such as: • Why do you we use ashes? • Why are we asked of the […]
Can We Know We’re Going to Heaven?
Source: Catholic Answers at catholic.comReprinted with permission Karlo Broussard Can we know for sure that we’re going to heaven? Coming up next with Karlo Broussard. Cy: Hello and welcome again to Catholic Answers Focus. I am Cy Kellett, your host, and today we welcome again our good friend Karlo Broussard for […]