
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.

Baptism of the Neophytes
Audio Podcasts, Teaching

The Sacraments Work!

Source: Catholic Answers podcast on catholic.comReprinted with permission MSGR. EUGENE MORRIS Do the sacraments do what they claim to do? Msgr. Eugene Morris defends their efficacy in a world that mostly fails to see them for what they are. Msgr. Morris is a sacramental theologian and a priest of the […]

ARK - Photos of the Palatine Palace Chapel, Palermo, Sicily sumptuous Byzantine mosaics of Noah's ark by Paul Williams free to download
Teaching, Videos

Take Refuge in the Ark

Source: Sensus Fidelium on YouTube The flood which was a chastisement from God, was sent because of the corruption which had infiltrated mankind. Follow the Institute of Christ the King on… Facebook: facebook.com/ICKSP Twitter: twitter.com/ICKSP Instagram: instagram.com/ICKSP New Sermons for Salvation video every Sunday afternoon! Subscribe today. Please remember to […]

Teaching, Videos

The Case For Jesus

Source: Refuting Atheism on YouTubeN.B. good audio, dull image quality, but content is good. A presentation given be Dr. Brant Pitre as part of the Newman Lecture Series at Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center on the campus of the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Header image: internetmonk.com […]

What is Truth?
Teaching, Videos

Is It True That There Is No Truth?

Source: Catholic Answers on YouTube Have you ever tried to persuade someone that your belief was true and that person responds, “Well, there is no truth” or “It might be true for you, but not for me”? It’s a frustrating experience. This way of thinking, called relativism, can impede any […]

Christ in Clouds-robert-nyman--ysyCHixMHU-unsplash
Teaching, Videos

The New Age

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube St. Paul speaks of the New Age or the Age to Come in 1 Corinthians 2. He also speaks about this New Age or Age to come as a “secret wisdom.” What is this New Age or Age to come that Paul speaks of? Check […]

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Teaching, Videos

Scriptures on Anger

Source: Catholic Production on YouTube What do the scriptures on anger have to say. And, specifically, what does Jesus teach us on anger in the sermon on the mount? Jesus told his followers at his famous sermon on the mount that he came to fulfill, not abolish the Law and […]

Teaching, Videos

The Best Argument for The Existence of God

Source: Matt Frdd on YouTube Trent gives us his best philosophical argument for the existence of God, and I play devil’s advocate. –Thanks to our sponsors!!!– 🌳 The Catholic Woodworker: https://catholicwoodworker.com/ (use discount code: mattfradd) 👁️Covenant Eyes: https://www.covenanteyes.com/ (use promo code: mattfradd) 🙏Hallow: https://hallow.app/mattfradd 🎥 Check out the Full Episode: […]

Teaching, Videos

Despair Not, Good Soul

Source: Sensus Fidelium on YouTube In the Biblical story of Tobias, we find two good people–Tobias and Sara–despairing. They did not despair of their friendship with God but in their friendship with their fellow men. Man is a social animal. Without the proper support from his fellow man, he loses […]

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Teaching, Videos

Miracles in Paul’s Ministry

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube For the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time during Year A, the Church gives us a reading from 1 Corinthians 2. In this video, Dr. Pitre Discusses Paul’s statement that he came to preach Christ crucified, not with eloquent speech, but with miraculous displays of power. […]