Source: Institute of Catholic Culture via Vimeo Dr. Gerard Stout talks about the state of crisis around Catechises in the Catholic Church.
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.
Are You Blinded by Cities of Sin?
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, in today’s Gospel, we hear the marvelous story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus—an icon of tremendous power and a sacred picture of the spiritual life and the process of salvation. We all find ourselves, in our need of Christ, in this image, […]
Minnesota priest speaks out against vaccine mandates
Source: Alpha News via YouTube Minnesota priest on the notion of ‘initiative’, discernment, the ability to reclaim your role in society. Header image: Source: Alpha News via YouTube
Understanding Genesis: Creation
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, in today’s episode of “The Word on Fire Show,” we begin a five-part series of discussions on the book of Genesis. Our first episode focuses on the Creation story. Genesis is of course the first book in the Bible and perhaps the most […]
Time to Test Your Faith
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, today’s Gospel concludes John’s reflection on the Eucharist. At the end of this remarkable chapter, we are faced with a question that defines the Christian faith: Will you follow Christ? May we always answer as Peter does. Watch the Spanish version here:… […]
Confession is a Place of Victory
Source: Ascension Presents via YouTube What is the priest thinking when you make your confession? Fr. Mike reveals the answer in this video from The 99, a simple three-part system will help you quickly and easily organize an effective, ongoing evangelization effort in your parish or community. Learn more at […]
Proclaiming the Truths of the Faith in a Time of Confusion
Source: Napa Institute via YouTube His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke 2019 Napa Institute Conference Music in this video Song: Shelter-14494Artist: Peter David Lambrou, PRSAlbum: NordicaLicensed to YouTube by AdRev for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Nova Production Music|Nova Production Music Ltd (PRS)|FirstCom Music (UPPM)); AdRev Publishing Header image: Source: […]
Should I Take Risks?
Source: Fr. Mark Goring, CC. Fr. Mark Goring, outlines how he ‘discerns’ the Lord’s will when trying to decide on whether to take a particular kind of action or not. His methodology involves making a list and gradually discerning which of those items seem the most appropriate until he arrives […]
What You Need to Know about the Catholic Mass
Source: Bishop Barron on YouTube Friends, the sixth chapter of John is one of the most profound reflections we have on the meaning of the Eucharist. Let us pay close attention to our Gospel today, which is John’s account of the miraculous multiplication of the loaves, to form a better […]
What Is Faith? (Aquinas 101)
Source: The Thomistic Institute via YouTube Faith is central to human life. The scientific project couldn’t function without it. What Is Faith? (Aquinas 101) Subscribe to our channel here:… Stay connected on social media:…… Visit us at: Header image: The Thomistic Institute via YouTube
Why Is Life So Full of Suffering?
Friends, the book of Job is one of the most profound and most challenging books in the entire Bible. In today’s reading, we see that God does not hand-wave away Job’s suffering. Rather, the Lord places profound hurt and heartache in an infinitely greater context—into his loving providence. We must not narrow our focus on our pain; we must rather open ourselves to ever greater trust.
The Last King Standing
Friends, in our Gospel today, Christ paints a picture of a growing mustard tree, under whose shade all people are invited to dwell. Jesus speaks here, using a parable, about the reign and rule of God. Even now, the kingdom of God—the kingdom that finally matters and endures—is spreading far and wide across the whole world.