Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Friends, the Gospel for this Sunday is one of Jesus’ best-known parables: the story of the Good Samaritan. Karl Barth, who learned it from the Church Fathers, taught that every parable of Jesus, at the deeper level, is finally about Jesus himself. The parable […]
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.
Am I allowed to..(Material Cooperation with Evil)
Source: Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr, Mark-Mary of Ascension Presents via Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Mark-Mary define material cooperation and discuss when our actions need to be evaluated based on our intentions and their effects. For even more on Catholic Morality for everyone, be sure to read Dr. […]
The Spiritual Life is a Battle
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Friends, our first reading for this Sunday is about a battle between Israel and the Amalekites. To many of us today, this appears to be either an irrelevancy of history or an outrageous story about God sanctioning genocide. But Origen of Alexandria helps us […]
Fr. Leon Pereira Homily (at Medjugorje)
Source: MarytvMedjugorje via YouTube. A homily from Fr. Leon Pereira in Medjugorje, in which he discusses how the Devil is anatomically ‘challenged’ – how he can’t give life, but only imitates it, can only take what is already created and deforms it. He goes on to say how in modern […]
Don’t Demonize – or Divinize – the Powerful
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, the first and second readings this Sunday beautifully show both sides of Catholic social teaching: the balance between recognizing political, economic, and social power, and criticizing the abuse of that power. We should not demonize our leaders; we pray for them, and we […]
Act Against Your Attachments.
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Friends, at the heart of what St. Ignatius of Loyola teaches in the “Spiritual Exercises” is the idea of detachment. If we are to do the will of God, then we have to become detached from the worldly goods to which we are addicted. […]
“What Makes a Person Good? Aquinas and the Cardinal Virtues.”
Source: The Thomistic Institute via YouTube Title: Off-Campus Conversations with Fr. Gregory Pine, Ep. 001: Prof. Jenn Frey Join Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. of Aquinas 101, Godsplaining, and Pints with Aquinas for an off-campus conversation with Prof. Jenn Frey about her latest Thomistic Institute lecture, “What Makes a Person Good? […]
The Pace that Always Wins the Race
Source: Fr. Mark Goring via YouTube. Discover the Holy Spirit’s pace in your life. There is no anxiety in it. It is efficient, and always wins the race. You will come to release that you were made for this pace. St. Francis de Sales says ‘Never be in a hurry. […]
Right Praise, Right Order
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, the last stanza of a poem, the last chapter of a novel, or the last lines of a play are of extraordinary significance, but only if you’ve read the whole work up to that point. Similarly, to understand the book of Revelation, the […]
Educating the Whole Person
Source: Word on Fire Institute via YouTube How do we educate the whole person? Religious sister and mental health counselor Sr. Josephine Garrett talks about this question in her keynote speech at the Good News Conference. In her talk, Sr. Josephine shares how in order for the whole person to […]
Brisbane Archbishop Warns against spreading MDM messages
Source: Issued to the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, the reproduced image below of the official pastoral letter from the Archbishop of Brisbane, the Most Reverend Mark Coleridge, effectively makes it official the Church’s condemnation of the false prophet Maria Divine Mercy or MDM. […]
“Modern Technology for the Good?” – Chatechesis
Source: Radio Maria Ireland via Fr. Eamonn McCarthy, Priest-Director of Radio Maria Ireland, discusses the issue of trying to achieve ‘good’ through ‘evil’ – and why it is not acceptable. Also, should we be weary of how new technologies are being deployed over which we have no control! Header […]