
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.

Bsp Barron on misuse of power - https://youtu.be/K1OWarLyNfU
Teaching, Videos

Why Too Much Power in One Place Is a Bad Thing

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, by a basic and healthy instinct, Catholic social teaching wishes power to be shared widely throughout local communities, overcoming tyranny and promoting charity. The Church advocates neither absolutist statist control nor indifferent individual freedom. Instead, it holds out an economics and politics of […]

Teaching, Videos

There’s Nowhere to Run

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, this Sunday we hear the story of Jonah, a narrative about the acceptance (or rejection) of God’s mission. What would happen if every single person in our society commenced to embrace his or her mission from God? Jonah converted the entire city, from […]

Teaching, Videos

Bishop Barron on The Devil

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube In this short video Bishop Robert Barron (Fr. Barron at the time) discusses the many aspects of the devil, his deceit, deception and murderous activity, but he also emphasises that we don’t have to be beholding to these dark powers. The devil has been […]

Teaching, Videos

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

How can the Catholic Church teach that baptism is necessary for salvation when the Bible show people receive the Holy Spirit before baptism and when Paul tells us that Christ did not send him to baptize but to preach the gospel? The author of Meeting the Protestant Challenge, Karlo Broussard, […]

Teaching, Videos

Joy for the Brokenhearted

Friends, today is Gaudete Sunday. It is a command to rejoice, for Jesus has made us rich through his entrance into poverty. We are reminded both by Pope Francis and the Gospel reading that we must reach out to those on the periphery, suffering from poverty—whether economic, political, or existential—just as Christ has done for us.

Bishop R. Barron via YouTube and Iglesia de Sta. Ethelgreda. Londres by franciscogonzalez via cathopic.com
Teaching, Videos

Naming What We All Know

Friends, Advent is when we reflect upon the arrival of our Savior who came to ransom his people. We cannot think to ourselves, “I’m basically fine, spiritually.” Rather, we must be penitent; we must remember our lonely captivity. This liturgical season is about shaping softened hearts, making them ready for our coming King.

Teaching, Videos

The One True King

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, Christ is the King of all things. His rule is characterized not by totalitarianism or despotism, but rather by lovingkindness and sacrifice. He constantly reaches out his hands to defend the weak and sick, going to the limits of godforsakenness to bring back […]