Catholic & Christianity

Range of Catholic teaching and presentations e.g. Catholic Presentations, Catholic Teaching, Conversion Stories, Eucharistic Miracles, Prayers, and Vocation Stories.

church fathers 1
Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 1 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube Who were the Church Fathers, and why do they still matter today? Bishop Barron introduces these spiritual masters and shares their key contributions. In the first episode of our three-part series, he also discusses the three main Apostolic Fathers: – Clement (35 – 99) […]

church fathers 2
Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 2 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube In this second part of our series on the Church Fathers, Bishop Barron takes a look at some important Church Fathers from the pre-Nicene and Nicene periods, including Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, Athanasius, and Gregory of Nyssa. A listener asks how we can understand […]

Teaching, Videos

Church Fathers 101 (Part 3 of 3)

Source: Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube In this third and final part of our series on the Church Fathers, Bishop Barron examines four influential Fathers from the post-Nicene period: John Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory the Great. A listener asks whether to pray for people who are sick or simply […]

Atheism to Catholicism
Conversions, Videos

From Atheism to Catholicism

Source: Queen of Peace Media on YouTube A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE that will touch your heart. Christine Watkins shares how she was an anti-Christian atheist about to die from her sins when she received a divine healing from Jesus through Mary. See To learn more and see other books by […]

Soccer Pro to Priesthood
Videos, Vocations

From Pro Soccer to Priesthood

Prior to discovering his vocation to the priesthood Father Chase Hilgenbrinck was a Division I Soccer star, and played professionally in Chile and with the New England Revolution of the MLS. He shares his powerful vocational story and how a higher calling eclipsed his love for soccer.

Footballer to Priest Fr. Mulryan
Videos, Vocations

Premier League to Priesthood

Source: Shalom World on YouTube From football pitch to the altar, from winning games to winning souls, Fr. Philip Mulryne’s life has been a testimony to how one should respond to God’s call in life. Once a Manchester United player and a regular for the Irish national team, Fr. Philip […]

Videos, Vocations

I will follow: 2 Catholic Priests’ Vocation Stories

Source: Ascension Presents on YouTubeFr. Mike Schmitz and Fr. Josh Johnson give their vocation stories in this clip from Ascension’s best-selling study ALTARATION. To see more, go here:… Fr. Mike is also a presenter in the following programs from Ascension: Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God ( Chosen: […]