Source: ADF International via 5 Cases to KnowADF International highlights just five of the many cases it helps progress in the world’s courts to support Christian and Human Rights. Download the PDF here.
Life Issues
Life issues around abortion, euthanasia, etc.
Apocalypse Now
For decades the doomsayers have perpetrated a series of gigantic and costly frauds upon the human race – and profited from them. Header image: Population Research Institute via
Are people who are declared Brain Dead – always dead?
Source: Alex SchadenbergExecutive Director, Euthanasia Prevention CoalitionReprinted with permission. Brain death is a controversial topic. Many people have received a life-saving organ donation from a person who was declared brain dead. This article does not question organ donation but it does question whether determinations of brain death are always accurate […]
Vancouver doctor has killed more than 400 people by euthanasia, also supports MAiD for mental illness.
Source: Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Reprinted with permission. A Vancouver doctor who operates a euthanasia clinic has killed more than 400 people since legalization. A recent article promoting euthanasia for mental illness alone states that Dr Ellen Wiebe has killed more than 400 people by euthanasia for physical reasons […]
Men’s March for Life: Unhinges Radical Left
As long as abortion is legal, men have a sacred duty to make it both unlawful and unthinkable. This is why Jim Havens started the National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood, which held its most recent demonstration—the largest yet—in Boston on Oct. 15, 2022. Check out […]
British Inquest concludes that social media contributed to the death of a London teenager.
Source: Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition A British Coroners Inquest into the death of 14-year-old Molly Russell concluded that social media content had contributed to her death. A British Medical Journal (BMJ) article by Clare Dyer stated: Coroner Andrew Walker ruled that the harmful material had contributed to 14 year […]
Assisted Suicide Is Not About Autonomy; It Is A Symptom of Systems Which Deny Autonomy To Sick And Disabled People
Source: Reprinted with permission by Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. This article was first published as a guest blog by the disability rights group Not Dead Yet on August 8, 2022 By Kathleen Nicole O’Neal On June 16, 2022, a forty-four-year-old Italian citizen named Federico Carboni became the first patient in the history […]
Who would The Ten Million be today? (UK)
Source: Right To Life UK via On 23 September 2022, at 11:41am, thousands of people across the United Kingdom stopped for a minute of silence to commemorate the ten million lives that have been lost to abortion in England, Wales and Scotland since the Abortion Act was introduced in […]
The abyss beyond genocide: eradication of humanity itself
Source: Jason Morgan via Reprinted with permission The word “genocide” is rooted in the Shoah. A Polish Jew named Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) first used it in 1944 as a way to describe the systematic murder of European Jewry by the National Socialists. Lemkin’s concept of the slaughter of a […]
Commodification Chronicles: Black Friday discounts on babies from Ukraine
Source: Michael Cook via It’s Black Friday in Kiev! The Ukrainian clinic BioTexCom is offering 3% off!!!!! on its surrogacy and fertility packages. The discount deal runs from November 15 to November 26. An all-inclusive VIP surrogacy package will cost only 1,947€ (US$2,200); a “Perfect Chance” IVF package only 447€ ($500). […]
Damaged Babies & Broken Hearts
Source: Samantha Hawley reporter for ABC News In-Depth via Damaged Babies & Broken Hearts: Ukraine’s commercial surrogacy industry. Ukraine is the new ‘go-to’ destination for couples desperate to be parents. But our investigation uncovers an industry out of control that exploits surrogate mothers and leaves babies abandoned. With international […]
Canada is NOT As Advertised. MAiD is Eugenics.
Source: Information DJNO via YouTube. N.B. in the above video Spring Hawks is reading a testimony on behalf of Gabrielle Peters. Bill C-7 was designed to enable “medical assistance in dying” (MAiD). However, critics consider it a flawed piece of legislation, calling it a ‘eugenics’ programme. Canada is NOT As Advertised. […]