Life Issues

Life issues around abortion, euthanasia, etc.
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues

Confused Kiwis line up to vote on a euthanasia law

By Carolyn Moynihan via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission Among the roadside billboards canvassing votes for political parties and their candidates in New Zealand’s triennial election on October 17 is one announcing starkly: “LETHAL DOSE with NO assessment for coercion required.” Below that it asks: “Is the End of Life Choice Act […]
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues

7 ways Belgium didn’t even follow its own euthanasia law

Source: Robert Clarke via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission So-called “safeguards” are much more window dressing than providing any real protection. As the New Zealand euthanasia referendum approaches, voters could be helped by looking at the experience in other countries before making up their minds on this complex topic. At the end […]
Articles, Audio Podcasts, Life Issues, Videos

Why Is Abortion Such an Important Voting Issue?

Source: Catholic Answers via YouTube There are plenty of human rights issues that hold prominent places in our decision-making as voters. Why do Catholics say abortion is the preeminent one, and how does the Church say should that influence our choices? Trent Horn explains. DONATE: After his […]
Articles, Life Issues

“Euthanasia is a crime against human life, incurable does not mean end of care”

Source: via “Samaritanus bonus” (The Good Samaritan), a newly published letter by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by the Pope, reiterates the condemnation of any form of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and advocates support for families and healthcare workers. By Vatican News On Tuesday, the […]

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues

Making Children, Unmaking Families

Manufacturing children using the genetic material of multiple parents is not a prospect to be celebrated. It is a dystopian technology, making children, as if they were consumer goods, and unmaking the family, as if it were not essential to the common good. The New York Times recently ran an op-ed titled “The Poly-Parent Households are Coming.” It is notable for its celebratory approach to two future prospects: that human children might be created from manufactured gametes (sperm and egg) through a process called in vitro gametogenesis (IVG)…
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues, Videos

Patients can no longer assume that doctors are committed to protecting life.

Source: alexschadenberg.blogspot.comReprinted with permission By Gordon Friesen. Throughout the long Canadian discussions, court cases, and legislative compromises, which eventually resulted in mandating physician “assisted” death, there has often been a comfortable tendency for people to think that euthanasia is merely another clinical procedure; that its influence could be restricted to […]
Life Issues, Videos

Priest offers Mass outside late-term abortion center

BETHESDA, Maryland, August 13, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Shortly after daybreak on the Memorial of St. Clare, August 11, Father Antonio Maria, C.F.R., celebrated a Mass for life in a shopping center parking lot adjacent to late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s facility in Bethesda, Maryland. Carhart is one of only a few abortionists in the U.S. who is willing to abort babies through all nine months of pregnancy – right up until birth.