Source: Randy Kay via YouTube “Mark was raised up in the church, by faith-filled, prayerful parents. However, through multiple unwanted events, the enemy took control of his life at an early age. Unwanted spirits were felt as a takeover of his mind leading to an overwhelming desire for sexual ‘experiences’. […]
Tag: Demonic Activity
The Wheat and the Weeds
Source: Church Militant via YouTube Michael Voris covers what is happening in the world – how former concepts of socio-religious and political issues are changing dramatically and how the Gospel of Saint Matthew is being fulfilled in our world today – and how this is leading to a separation of […]
The Demonic Dimension of the Pandemic
Source: Fr. Ed Meeks, Caritas in Veritate via YouTube Fr. Ed Meeks on how the devil is making his presence more visible throughout society during the pandemic.