Tag: Dissent

Live Not By Lies via Amazon; Richard Dryer image via By Elekes Andor - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.; Jonathan Pageau via i.ytimg.com
Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Live Not By Lies – Preparing for a Soft Totalitarian Future

In this video Jonathan Pageau discusses Rod Dreher’s new book ‘Live Not By Lies’, a manual for Christian Dissidents. “As a new cultural revolution aims to institutionalize a tyranny of ideological clichés, Dreher renews Solzhenitsyn’s great call to ‘live not by lies.’ I cannot imagine a more timely and urgent book, or one with a more enduring spiritual, political, and cultural message.”

Teaching, Videos

Division in the Early Church

Source: Catholic Productions on YouTube Division in the Early Church was something that St. Paul speaks of in his first letter to the Corinthians. Those in Corinth were claiming to belong to Cephas or Paul or Apollos or Christ. And this factionalism likely revolved around who a person was baptized […]