Live Not By Lies via Amazon; Richard Dryer image via By Elekes Andor - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.; Jonathan Pageau via
Culture, Science & Society Videos

Live Not By Lies – Preparing for a Soft Totalitarian Future

Source: Jonathan Pageau via YouTube

In this video Jonathan Pageau discusses Rod Dreher’s new book ‘Live Not By Lies’, a manual for Christian Dissidents.

Live Not By Lies review: “As a new cultural revolution aims to institutionalize a tyranny of ideological clichés, Dreher renews Solzhenitsyn’s great call to ‘live not by lies.’ I cannot imagine a more timely and urgent book, or one with a more enduring spiritual, political, and cultural message.”–Daniel J. Mahoney, coeditor of The Solzhenitsyn Reader

Header image: Live Not By Lies via Amazon; Richard Dryer image via By Elekes Andor – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0.; Jonathan Pageau via