Source: EWTN via Fr. Mark-Mary Ames explains why so many people are listening to his “The Rosary in a Year” podcast. He also talks about the benefits and pitfalls of media, the necessity of silent prayer, the cost of discipleship, the value of Catholicism, and having hope in the […]
Tag: Fr. Mark-Mary
How Demons Actually Work
Ascension Presents via YouTube To clear up some misunderstandings regarding demonic activity, Fr. Mark-Mary offers a short crash course on the matter. There are four main kinds of demonic activity: Temptation: when the devil subtly invites a soul to sinInfestation: when there is demonic activity in a placeOppression: when demonic […]
The Rosary Campaign: Changing the Course of History
Source: Ascension Presents via YouTube Fr. Mark-Mary and Fr. John Anthony Boughton talk about the influence The Rosary has had throughout history. It ain’t just your grandma’s prayer! The Rosary has influenced many conversions and led to massive victories for the Church against her enemies. One of these victories came […]
Can I Smoke Marijuana?
If you’re wondering if you can smoke marijuana, Pope Francis offers some advice:
“Let me state this in the clearest possible terms: the problem of drug use is not solved with drugs. Attempts to legalize so-called recreational drugs are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to produce the desired affects. Here I would affirm what I stated on another occasion: no to every type of drug use. It’s as simple as that.”
How to Deal with Ruined Plans
Father Mark-Mary and Father Malachy, like most of us in these times, have experienced broken plans first hand recently. Father Malachy wasn’t sure when his ordination would happen, and if it did how many people would be allowed to come. After waiting twelve years, his dreams about his ordination were shattered. He tried to re-plan things. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C …
Are Soulmates a Thing?
Many of us have heard, or have been part of, beautiful love stories that make us believe in the existence of “the one”. We say, the way everything lines up to bring these two together, and/or the things they have in common make it obvious: they must be soul mates.
How to Discern Pretty Much Anything
How to discern God’s will is one of Fr. Mark-Mary’s favorite topics. He has some principles he uses to guide his discernment. He narrows these principles down to four: needs, responsibilities, desires, and capacities.
How the Devil Uses Your Gifts and Talents Against You
The devil can do nothing on his own, but he can use your God-given gifts and talents against you.
The devil is prowling like a lion, looking for something or someone to devour. He does not create, he only corrupts the gifts God has given us. For example, God has given us freedom, and the devil tempts us to use that freedom against what is good.
If We Really Believed “Thy Will Be Done”
Source: Fr. Mark-Mary and Br. Malachy via Ascension Presents on YouTube Brother Malachy joins Fr. Mark-Mary to discuss how the words “thy will be done” —if we really believed them and lived by the—may not seem like a good sales pitch at first. We live in a culture of individualism […]
Surrender: The Strength of the Spiritual Life
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Fr. Mark-Mary talks about the most necessary step in order to surrender to God, the thing that provides the greatest strength in the spiritual life. Step one always has to be going to God and asking for his help. God is good, present, and active […]
How to Build Your Prayer Life This Year
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Father Mark-Mary shares a goal-setting technique that helped make Google…well, Google. But instead of using this goal-setting technique for worldly gain, Father shows you how to use it to establish a prayer routine that will change your life. First, you’ll need to develop a taste […]