Tag: Homosexuality

Catholic & Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations, Videos

Did Jesus Condemn Homosexuality?

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube.com.   Brian Holdsworth discusses whether Jesus did actually condemn homosexuality or not? Is biblical literalism the problem. Brian discusses that scripture is to be read according to four senses depending on the text: literally; typologically; morally and prophetically. It is not to be completely interpreted metaphorically, […]

Catholic & Christianity, Christianity & Science, Conversions, Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Camino Abierto: Open Way

Source: La Verdad Os Hará Libres via YouTube The new documentary “OPEN WAY” approaches gender ideology from different perspectives: the latest scientific advances, faith, psychology and the experience of several protagonists. More information: caminoabierto@mediasaludcomunicacion.com Header image: La Verdad Os Hará Libres via YouTube

Christian Stories, Culture, Science & Society, Videos

George Carneal: ‘From Queer to Christ’

Source: New Hearts Outreach via YouTube Watch George’s story of Jesus’ redemptive power and healing. For more of George’s story check out his book, ‘From Queer to Christ‘, on his website www.georgecarneal.com Header image: New Hearts Outreach via YouTube; Stained Glass Window via mytheoblogy.wordpress.com External links: George Carneal talks about […]

Teaching, Videos

Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, and Holiness

Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube In this segment from Ascension’s program “YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body”, Jason Evert discusses homosexuality, gay marriage, and the Catholic Church…including why he looks forward to the day the Catholic Church has a same-sex-attracted saint. For segments addressing transgenderism, pornography, contraception […]