Source: CBN News via LONDON – An ex-Muslim turned Christian evangelist has been beaten, chased by angry mobs, unlawfully jailed and even stabbed, all for the sake of the Gospel. This is not in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. It is officially happening in Christian Britain. Her name is Hatun […]
Tag: Islam
Do Muslims Want What We Want?
Source: William Kilpatrick (Nov.8 2023) via Reprinted with permission On Saturday, November 4th a massive crowd estimated at 100,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. to rally for Palestine and demand a cease-fire in the Israeli-Hamas war. The event featured numerous speakers—mostly young Muslim women and men—almost all of whom […]
The Top Five Lies About Islam You Probably Learned in Church
Source: The Turning Point Project Preprinted with permission Amidst the blur of violent, tragic events in Afghanistan, The Stream decided to ask for some perspective from an expert on the Islamic faith and its links to political conflict and violence, author William Kilpatrick. John Zmirak: You’re an expert on Islam. You have a […]
From Jihad to Jesus
Source: One For Israel Ministry via YouTube Raised in Sudan, in the most radical sects of Islam, he was raised to hate christians and especially the Jews. But God transformed his life from hate to love. You won’t believe the ending! Please share this powerful story of Redemption and share […]
She was Plotting to Kill Christians When She Encountered Jesus (Removed by YouTube)
Esther was a Jihadist Muslim, planning to kill Christians when she had a radical encounter with Jesus that would change her life forever.
Why Saudis are following Christ!
Christian convert Nasser al’Qahtani tells how as a Muslim he came to America, was trapped there because of the war in Iraq, married an American woman, and eventually, at great cost to himself, and suffering the rejection of his family in Saudi Arabia, became a believing Christian. He then recounts how that experience changed his life, his relationship with his wife, his career and in obedience to Jesus, his current mission to evangelise those whom Christ sends him to, not through arguments or apologetics, but through love.