jim caviezel
Culture, Science & Society Videos

Why Hollywood Dropped Jim Caviezel

Source: Looper on YouTube

Near the start of the new millennium, American actor Jim Caviezel was one of the hottest heartthrobs in Hollywood. With starring roles in The Thin Red Line, Frequency, The Count of Monte Cristo, and more, Caviezel seemed primed for a long, successful Hollywood career. However, after taking on the career-defining role of Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s controversial biblical drama The Passion of The Christ, Caviezel’s big-screen career has been largely non-existent. So what happened?

Hollywood reject | 0:27
Back to school | 1:14
Love scenes lost | 1:49
Workplace and worship | 2:50
Career resurrection? | 3:41

Header image: i.ytimg.com

External links:
Read full article on Looper
ETWN interview with Jim Caviezel on YouTube