
MediaArk Update will be moving to a monthly schedule as of June 2020. This is for a variety of administration and research reasons.

Those who receive a weekly eNewsletter will continue to do so in the short term, but the content will not publicise new content. Rather it will highlight previously published material, that visitors may have overlooked, or not have been aware of.

In fact there are – as of this notice – 375 articles, podcasts or videos already posted onto this website. So, more than enough content to keep anyone engaged for a few weeks or months depending on your interest. Indeed, you could just read/view one post a day for a whole year if you wanted to (and then some)!

All eNewsletters will become monthly in due course.

Editor’s comment: UPDATE: as of 28th August 2020 all newsletters are now monthly. You can view an archive of all newsletters here.

There may be some ‘special editions’ from time-to-time. These might include topics of interest discovered through research, or a ‘spiritual’ prompt.

The aim of MediaArk, as the name implies, was never to be a ‘breaking news’ site on faith-based matters, but a respiratory of mainly Catholic teaching, education and cultural commentary, along with valuable contributions from those in other Christian, social and cultural communities.

I hope that you will continue to be interested in, and engaged with, MediaArk’s content. May God bless you through this ministry.

Header image: The Mysterious House of Loretto via