Music Videos

Adoro te devote | Catholic music

Source: Canto Católico via YouTube

About: “Canto Católico cultivates a particular form of sacred art: sacred music. Both outside and within the liturgical action, the Foundation tries to ensure that each of its projects reflects the full depth of this artistic manifestation. This objective requires that in each of its areas of work, the safeguarding of three fundamental dimensions be sought. In the first place, the demands of the artistic dimension of sacred music, with its canons and spaces of originality. Likewise, the contemplative and apostolic character that all work of a sacred nature requires. And, finally, trust, availability and dedication to the renewing action of the Holy Spirit”.

You can also help by making a monthly contribution:

All the resources collected constitute an economic base that supports the work of Fundación Canto Católico. The Foundation aims to promote the encounter of men with God by serving the Church through music.
In this sense, the funds will be especially destined to the creation of more videos.

To learn more about Catholic Singing and access the different resources available, go to:
Web Page:

Scores and audios of the voices:

Header image: Canto Católico via YouTube