Documentary Life Issues Long Format Videos

Fatal Flaws

Source: Life Institute via YouTube

Fatal Flaws: Limited availability on this documentary

“Are laws allowing euthanasia and assisted suicide leading society down a dangerous path?”

Fatal Flaws: Legalising Assisted Death is a thought-provoking journey through Europe and North America to ask one of the most fundamental philosophical questions of our time: should we be giving doctors the right in law to end the life of others by euthanasia or assisted suicide

Filmmaker Kevin Dunn films powerful testimonies and expert opinion from both sides of the issue to uncover how these highly disputed laws affect society over time

Some 20 years after these laws were introduced, even some of the most loyal supporters of assisted dying are questioning where these laws are taking us. The grandfather of euthanasia in theNetherlands, Dr.Boudewijn Chabot speaks of a ‘worrisome culture shift’ and that euthanasia is ‘getting out of hand’ – especially as it relates to patients with psychiatric issues.

We’ve all heard the tragic and much publicized stories of people who have asked for an assisted death here in North America. Heartbreaking cases. Some of these cases have made their way to the top courts of the land to overturn longstanding criminal laws on what used tobe classified as homicide.

Since 1998, five countries and six US states have passed laws making an assisted death legal under certain criteria. Almost every country in the world is discussing some form of legalization and America is “at a tipping point”.

This film is not out to demonize doctors, advocates – or anyone for that matter. This film is about the adoption of – and resistance to – a new cultural philosophy that may affect you at the most vulnerable time of your life.


“Slippery slope arguments have often been criticized as philosophically weak. There could be no stronger evidence for the reality the slippery slope than Fatal Flaws. As both a psychiatrist and a palliative care physician, I cannot over emphasize the importance of this film as a spiritual call, a moral message, a social statement and a clinical intervention.
KevinDunn is a modern day Cassandra who has produced a film that describes what would be terrifying science fiction, were it not already social fact: the legalization of the termination of the lives of the vulnerable, isolated, marginalized, and anguished in state after state and country after country. Even more disturbing those deaths come at the hands of physicians whom for millennia have sworn to heal and not to harm. Through interviews with patients, families and experts, Dunn gives a neglected and urgently needed critique of the euphemistic masking of suicide as compassion and in so doing exposed the dark side of the gilded claim that the relief of suffering lies in the affirmation of hopelessness, the embrace of futility, and the betrayal of the historic goals of medicine.”

Cynthia Geppert MD, MA, MPH, MSB, DPS, MSJ, DFAPA, FCLP Professor of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry, Director of Ethics EducationUniversity of New Mexico School of MedicineAdjunct Professor of Bioethics Albany Medical College, USA

“Fatal Flaws is more than just a great documentary film. It is a clarion call to restore decency to the House of Medicine. For every doctor or patient who wants to understand the difference between medical killing and medically-responsible caring, this humane and sensitive film is a must-see.”
Ronald W. Pies, MD, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, and Lecturer on BioethicsSUNY Upstate Medical UniversityClinical Professor of Psychiatry,Tufts U. School of MedicineEditor-in-Chief Emeritus, Psychiatric Times, USADirector, Kevin Dunn on locationin The Hague, The Netherlands

“This is a brilliant film that should be compulsory viewing for busy legislators who haven’t time to do their own research into how euthanasia is changing death and dying in countries such asCanada and the Netherlands. Kevin Dunn interviews supporters and opponents of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide in a non-judgemental way and the responses he gets are extraordinary.”

Professor the Baroness Sheila Hollins, House of Lords,Past President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK

“Compelling, timely and moving. Physicians must see this film, especially those in training as the euthanasia movement is trying to redefine the ethics of medicine.”

Steven S. Sharfstein, M.D.,Former President The American Psychiatric Association, USA

With special permission from the producers, the Life Institute is pleased to present a special online screening of Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death. Filmmaker Kevin Dunn uses powerful testimonies and expert opinion from both sides of the issue to uncover how these highly disputed laws affect society over time. The film is produced by Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and DunnMedia and is available to buy here​​

Header image: Fatal Flaws film via YouTube