Catholic Teaching Videos

Agents of Divine Mercy

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube.

Editor comment: note the reference around 2:56 mins. where Jesus shows the apostles his wounds. Bsp. Barron emphasises that “..this is the combination it’s so important to get right, because if it gets out of balance, we’re going to miss the spiritual power here”.

Friends, we continue our celebration of the Easter season on this Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy, St. Thomas Aquinas says, is compassion in regard to someone else’s suffering; thus, God’s mercy is his compassion reaching out to us precisely in our suffering. Keep that in mind as we walk through the Gospel passage for this week from John: the extraordinary account of the risen Jesus appearing to his disciples. Christ has been sent into the world as an agent of God’s mercy, answering our sin and woundedness with forgiving love. And the same Christ breathes on us, giving us the Holy Spirit, and sends us into the world with the same mission.

Header image: The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio c1602 via