Source: Your Living Manna via YouTube To contact visit… Mohammad Yamout was a Sunni Muslim, now the Senior Pastor at Tyre Church in Lebanon. Amidst of all troubles, The church has meeting every day at different times. Often times, the church is filled to its full capacity with passionate […]
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From Atheist to Devout Catholic
Source: Catholics Come Home via YouTube US Army Counterintelligence Director, Tony Devlin is a 57 year old grandfather and “Cradle Catholic” who drifted towards alternative Eastern Religions, Agnosticism, and Atheism, before returning to the Catholic Church for good. Hosted by Tom Peterson. Header image: Catholics Come Home via YouTube
Faith and Family Play a Bigger Role in Academic Achievement Than Race or Socioeconomic Status
Source: William Jeynes via thepublicdiscourse.comOriginally appeared int Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission. William Jeynes is Professor of Education at California State University, Long Beach. He graduated first in his class from Harvard University. He has served as a speaker and advisor for […]
Why St. Thomas Aquinas is so Important
Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: I once observed an online exchange between a couple people, one of whom is what you might call a Catholic celebrity which is just to say […]
Why Protestant Doctrine Is Unbiblical
Source: Catholic Answers via YouTube DONATE: SUBSCRIBE: Header image: Catholic Answers via YouTube
Don’t Follow Your Passion
Many will tell graduates to “follow your passion” and live your life. I think that this is nonsense.
The Holy House of Loreto and Our Bi-Polar Society
Source: Sensus Fidelium via YouTube The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto has been confirmed by historical, documentary and archaeological evidence, miracles and ecclesiastical authority. This translation has many lessons to teach us, including these (i) the Church will not fail or be destroyed by any enemy, no matter […]
A Chesterton Minute: Atheists
Source: EWTN’s ‘A Chesterton Minute’ via YouTube Spend more time with the Apostle of Common Sense! Visit for more information or go to to discover more books and programs written and inspired by G.K. Chesterton! Header image: EWTN’s ‘A Chesterton Minute’ via YouTube
Festering and Ugly Sores: THE MARK OF THE BEAST
Source: Fr. Mark Goring, CC via YouTube SUBSCRIBE – click link below to receive Fr. Mark’s daily videos by email Fr. Mark Goring CC, discusses Bill Gates’ UN supported mandate to vaccinate, and ‘chip’ the world’s population of 7 Billion people, and whether this will be mandatory or not. Header […]
A Second Chance: Abortion Pill Reversal
Source: Life Institute via YouTube A Second Chance: why every woman deserves a chance to reverse the abortion pill. This powerful analogy between those who survived at the Golden Gate Bridge and the women who seek a second chance by reversing the abortion pill. #abortionreversal See more here:… Header […]
The Bioethicist Pandemic
Source: Wesley J. Smith via Discovery InstituteReprinted with permission CHAIR AND SENIOR FELLOW, CENTER ON HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM Wesley J. Smith is Chair and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. Wesley is a contributor to National Review and is the author of 14 books, in recent years focusing on […]
Uterine Lavage: A Better Alternative to IVF?
Uterine lavage, a recently developed alternative to in vitro fertilization (IVF), promises, according to its creators, to offer significant benefits over IVF. But does this make it a more ethical procedure? Healing the Culture president, Camille Pauley, lays open the ethical and moral problems with uterine lavage, the truth about its so-called benefits.