
Matt Fradd & Trent Horn
Teaching, Videos

Do You Have to be Catholic to be Saved?

Source: Matt Fradd on YouTube Via Matt Fradd:I talk with Trent about the available Church teaching on salvation without baptism, and why its definitely still a good idea to evangelize non-Catholics. –Thanks to our sponsors!!!– 🌳 The Catholic Woodworker: (use discount code: mattfradd) 👁️Covenant Eyes: (use promo code: […]

Christian Persecution 2020 Watch List 2020-01-23_11-32-48_a.m.
Persecution, Videos

2020 Watch List

Source: OpenDoorsUSA on Vimeo Each year, Open Doors releases the World Watch List, an annual look at the 50 places where following Jesus costs the most. This year, join David Curry as he takes into the story behind some of the numbers, and looks how pressure changes the Church. Join […]

Ad Orientem
Teaching, Videos

Ad Orientem

Source: True Faith TV on YouTube The Church as a body faces East, awaiting the coming of the Lord. It is only fitting that in Her worship… She face East. If you are interested in a bit more background try this video: ‘Ad Orientum & Language’ via Sensus Fidelium. […]