Culture, Science & Society

Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!

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Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues

To the surprise of demographers, African fertility is falling

Source: Louis T. March via Reprinted with permission One of the 19th century’s more celebrated rags-to-riches figures, Sir Henry Morton Stanley, wrote Through the Dark Continent (1878) about his explorations in Africa. His sensational title was a marketing ploy to boost sales. Stanley coined the term “Dark Continent” because Africa was so mysterious […]

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Christianity, Videos

“Jesus Gave Me My Jewish Identity” – Lionel’s Testimony

Lionel was born Jewish but had no connection to his Jewish roots until he met Jesus and was transformed. Jews for Jesus Paris France: Jewish and have questions?: Learning Hub: Email Us: Support SO BE IT: Jeff Morgan and Elisha Lazarus are the hosts of […]
Catholic & Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Presentations, Videos

Forbidden History: The Christian Holocaust

His Excellency Bishop Schneider sits down with me to discuss growing up in the Soviet Union, the war against faith, how to break free from slavery, the role of Christians in the modern world, and more. Purchase Bishop Schneider’s books here:… Candace on Apple Podcasts: on Spotify: […]
Catholic & Christianity, Education, Teaching, Uncategorised, Videos

Is Your Child Being Truly Educated? The Classical Education Formula

Sister Mary Francis, Head of Curriculum Development, discusses Classical education and the development of the curriculum at Queen of All Saints Academy. 00:00 What makes education Classical? 06:55 What does a Classical lesson look like? 13:00 Importance of moral analysis 15:20 Importance of carefully selecting good content 23:25 Are romantic […]
Catholic & Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations, Videos

What Pope Francis Needs to Do

In this episode Trent talks about the Pope’s latest controversial remarks and what he and the rest of us should do in response to them. My episode on deportation:    • Answering Catholics who claim “deport…   To support this channel:   / counseloftrent   [NEW] Counsel of Trent merch:… Be sure to keep up with our socials!   / counseloftrent    / counseloftrent    / counseloftrentpodcast   […]