Culture, Science & Society

Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!

Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Red, Blue, & the Other Five Pills

Most people are familiar with the metaphor of the pills from the 1999 movie “The Matrix.”

In the movie, the hero Neo, played by Keanu Reeves can either take the red or the blue pill. Taking the latter mean he stays ignorant of the massive computer simulation around him and humanity. Taking the former means he has his eyes open to the truth, and all it implies.

Christian Stories, Culture, Science & Society, Videos

George Carneal: ‘From Queer to Christ’

Source: New Hearts Outreach via YouTube Watch George’s story of Jesus’ redemptive power and healing. For more of George’s story check out his book, ‘From Queer to Christ‘, on his website Header image: New Hearts Outreach via YouTube; Stained Glass Window via External links: George Carneal talks about […]

Christian Stories, Videos

Sexual Morality by C.S. Lewis

Source: Sexual Morality (C.S. Lewis: BBC Talk 14, Mere Christianity, Bk 3, Chapter 5) by CSLewisDoodle via YouTube C.S Lewis looks at the virtue of chastity. Notes below… This is an illustration of Lewis’ 4th talk of the third radio series called ‘Christian Behaviour’. This became Chapter 5 of Book […]