Culture, Science & Society

Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Schools Fundamentally Unchanged Since 1918 (USA)

Source: Bailey Takacs in System Change at the Discovery Institute via discovery.orgReprinted with permission. Bailey Takacs currently serves as development program coordinator to Discovery Institutes’ American Center for Transforming Education and Development team.  “All parents should be able to know what their children are learning, and for those paying attention […]
Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Bijan Nemati: Rare Earth

Source: Discovery Science via YouTube In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, astrophysicist Bijan Nemati engages in a wide-ranging discussion of the rarity of the Earth, the search for extra-terrestrial life, fine-tuning, the Big Bang, and lots more. Currently at the University of Alabama—Huntsville, Nemati spent much of his […]

Human eye-- star field- galaxy- arm- void-
Culture, Science & Society, Videos

The Myth Of The Multiverse

Source: Discovery Science via YouTube Stephen Meyer Shatters The Myth Of The Multiverse (Science Uprising EP4) Is our universe just an accident? Or does it display exquisite evidence of fine-tuning and intelligent design? This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientific atheists like Lawrence Krauss and Bill Nye that […]