Source: blckbx via ‘Facing the Beast’ is the title of the new book by American writer and journalist Naomi Wolf, a book about ‘trust, courage, and resistance in a new dark time’. Program maker Flavio Pasquino invited her to Edam to talk about, among other things, the creation of […]
Culture, Science & Society
Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!
Belgian Health-Fund President: Euthanize Old People to Save Money
Source: Wesley J. Smith, (Discovery Institute) Reprinted with permission. Earlier this month, I noted that a U.K. columnist was pushing euthanasia for the elderly as a way of saving national resources. I suggested that normalizing euthanasia leads to such crass beliefs, furthering our slide toward a perceived “duty to die” on […]
Joseph Ratzinger: Aspects of Christian Meditation – Catholic Culture Audiobooks
“All the aspirations which the prayer of other religions expresses are fulfilled in the reality of Christianity beyond all measure.” This ecclesial document was written in 1989 by the then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger, who would later become Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger was […]
In Science, How “Assumed Atheism” Harms Religious Students
Source: Robert Shedinger via Evolution News Reprinted with permission Methodological naturalism is truly today a defining characteristic of science. Given this, are there any good reasons to make a meaningful distinction between methodological naturalism and metaphysical naturalism, as some still try to do? Since scientists can be religious believers, we […]
Doctrine and the Cure of Souls
Source: Anthony Esolen via The Catholic Thing. Reprinted with permission. One of my neighbors is a pleasant and apparently hard-working young man with a child by a marriage that smashed on the rocks. He has nothing good to say about his ex-wife, so he says nothing at all, though you […]
The TRANS Phenomenon – Insights from a former Gay Rights Activist.
Source: HLI via Same Sex Relationships & Identity issues -Episode 3 (Theme 3 ). Lisa is joined by James Parker and Patrick McCrystal as they delve into the roots of the Transgender phenomenon and shed the light of the Gospel on the issue. Header image: HLI via
Procreating Alone
Source: Kevin Schmiesing via Reprinted with permission. If sexual attraction is one powerful force that God built into the world to counteract the individual’s inclination to self-absorption, then the combination of technological and cultural assaults on this urge doesn’t threaten only the formation of families, the basic unit of […]
Glen’s story. Freemason has near death experience, and finds God.
Source: John R. Lilley via Glen was a Freemason who died in hospital, and was reached by God through ‘An Allegiance Encounter’, just as in the Book of Acts, chapter 14. Header image: John R. Lilley via
The Conservative Case for Remote Work
Source: Frank DeVito via Reprinted with permission. If conservative organizations want to promote an economy that centers around the family, one that rebuilds the small town and restores a healthy culture, they need to do more than promote the right family policies and tax credits. What was until recently […]
‘Would you rather a dead daughter or a living son?’ debunked by Finnish study
Source: Kurt Mahlburg via Reprinted with permission. It’s a question so commonly encountered by parents seeking help for their gender-dysphoric child that it’s almost become a meme — and a morbid one at that. On the surface, “Would you rather a dead daughter or a living son?” sounds like […]
How I Ended Up Catholic!
Source: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube. ‘ve shared my story on other channels but I wanted to share it here as well. Apologies for the voice… i’m a bit sick in this video. Also, trying out a new video structure. Follow me on Instagram: @thejewishcatholic Why I’m still Catholic: • Still Catholic? WHY?! […]
The Psychopathic Hijacking of Religious Moral Authority
Source: Jordan B Peterson Clips via YouTube. Dr. Peterson and Abigail Shrier discuss the complexities of evil, its various prototypes, and how it often masquerades as benevolence or compassion, manipulating trust and morality. Drawing from literature like Dante’s Inferno and works by Eric Neumann and Jeffrey Burton Russell, Peterson provides […]