
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.

Articles, Catholic & Christianity, Teaching

The Messages of Father Rodrigue: A Theological Evaluation

After numerous requests from international Catholic bishops, clergy, lay leaders and faithful for a theological evaluation of the alleged messages of Fr. Michel Rodrigue, a priest within the Diocese of Amos, Quebec, Canada, whose messages have largely been promulgated through the website, Countdown to the Kingdom, https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/, I hereby provide the following initial theological analysis.

Catholic & Christianity, Teaching, Videos

Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus makes extraordinary observations about discipleship. He speaks about being enraptured by God, having exuberant joy, accepting scorn from persecutors, and being consecrated into truth. Watch the Spanish version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkxUF… SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch every Sunday Sermon: https://bit.ly/wof-subscribe ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron […]

Ascension Presents - How Demons Actually Work
Teaching, Videos

How Demons Actually Work

Ascension Presents via YouTube To clear up some misunderstandings regarding demonic activity, Fr. Mark-Mary offers a short crash course on the matter. There are four main kinds of demonic activity: Temptation: when the devil subtly invites a soul to sinInfestation: when there is demonic activity in a placeOppression: when demonic […]