Tag: Ascension Presents

Ascension Presents - How Demons Actually Work
Teaching, Videos

How Demons Actually Work

Ascension Presents via YouTube To clear up some misunderstandings regarding demonic activity, Fr. Mark-Mary offers a short crash course on the matter. There are four main kinds of demonic activity: Temptation: when the devil subtly invites a soul to sinInfestation: when there is demonic activity in a placeOppression: when demonic […]

Presentations, Videos

What Did Mary Do for Advent?

In this introductory video, you will meet the hosts, Fr. Mark Toups, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Fr. Josh Johnson as they share their own encounters with Mary and the effect she has had on their lives. This video will put you in the frame of mind to see Advent through Mary’s eyes as you wait with her for the birth of her son, Jesus.