Source: Ascension Presents via YouTube Signs are often tricky and fuzzy. They’re not always such a good tool for helping you make a decision. Let’s be honest: we want shortcuts. We want God to do the hard work and make big decisions for us. Doing God’s will is the purpose […]
Tag: Ascension Presents
Can I Smoke Marijuana?
If you’re wondering if you can smoke marijuana, Pope Francis offers some advice:
“Let me state this in the clearest possible terms: the problem of drug use is not solved with drugs. Attempts to legalize so-called recreational drugs are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to produce the desired affects. Here I would affirm what I stated on another occasion: no to every type of drug use. It’s as simple as that.”
Afraid of the Coronavirus?
Wearing masks, not wearing masks, and all the mixed emotions that have come with the coronavirus reveal that—as a society—we lack freedom from the fear of death. Maybe you know someone who has died from the virus, or someone who lost their livelihood due to the lockdown. Many are wondering when they can safely go out again, or when they can they go back to Mass.
How to Deal with Ruined Plans
Father Mark-Mary and Father Malachy, like most of us in these times, have experienced broken plans first hand recently. Father Malachy wasn’t sure when his ordination would happen, and if it did how many people would be allowed to come. After waiting twelve years, his dreams about his ordination were shattered. He tried to re-plan things. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C …
Are Soulmates a Thing?
Many of us have heard, or have been part of, beautiful love stories that make us believe in the existence of “the one”. We say, the way everything lines up to bring these two together, and/or the things they have in common make it obvious: they must be soul mates.
When People Annoy You
We all have pet peeves. We all get annoyed by things that really don’t matter much, whether it’s someone chewing with their mouth open, or someone whispering the Rosary in an Adoration chapel—which are two things that used to be pet peeves for Fr. Mike. But he learned a better way to deal with annoyances.
How to Practice the Presence of God
Source: Ascension Presents via YouTube Throughout the Gospels Jesus says, “Remain in me” or “abide in me,” which—in simplified terms—means whatever you do, invite Jesus along. Ask him to “come with.” This is a way to grow in your relationship with him, but it’s also a smart thing to do […]
How the Devil Uses Your Gifts and Talents Against You
The devil can do nothing on his own, but he can use your God-given gifts and talents against you.
The devil is prowling like a lion, looking for something or someone to devour. He does not create, he only corrupts the gifts God has given us. For example, God has given us freedom, and the devil tempts us to use that freedom against what is good.
Does God Ever Lead Us into Temptation?
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube When we pray “lead us not into temptation”, it may seem like God has the capacity to tempt us. But that’s not the case. God does not tempt us, but he can and sometimes must put us through tests. Here are a four helpful ways […]
If We Really Believed “Thy Will Be Done”
Source: Fr. Mark-Mary and Br. Malachy via Ascension Presents on YouTube Brother Malachy joins Fr. Mark-Mary to discuss how the words “thy will be done” —if we really believed them and lived by the—may not seem like a good sales pitch at first. We live in a culture of individualism […]
Is It OK to Judge Someone?
Source: Fr. Mike Schmitz of Ascension Presents on YouTube Header image: via Ascension Presents on YouTube
Why Isn’t Ash Wednesday a Holy Day of Obligation?
Source: Ascension Presents on YouTube Why is Ash Wednesday not a holy day of obligation? A holy day is a day that has been consecrated for God, so in that sense Ash Wednesday is a holy day. At the heart of a holy day of obligation, however, is the Resurrection. […]