HOUR 1: Paul Darrow – Accompanying Those with Same-Sex AttractionHOUR 2: Jimmy Akin – Open Forum More Catholic Apologetics: https://catholic.com 00:00:00 – We will begin shortly00:00:57 – Introduction00:13:26 – Can you give me advice on how to successfully discuss these matters with someone who is having a crisis of faith […]
Tag: Baptism
What Are the Laity Supposed to Be?
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, Vatican II speaks of “the universal call to holiness.” Imagine what would happen if, overnight, every Catholic commenced to live in accordance with this call. What would this look like for the laity? ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron on Vatican II and the Power […]
Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
How can the Catholic Church teach that baptism is necessary for salvation when the Bible show people receive the Holy Spirit before baptism and when Paul tells us that Christ did not send him to baptize but to preach the gospel? The author of Meeting the Protestant Challenge, Karlo Broussard, […]
Vatican Condemns Community “We” Baptisms as Invalid
Dr. Taylor Marshall discusses the release of the Vatican document on the ‘Community Baptism’ or what is more commonly referred to as the ‘we baptism’ form. This form has been declared ‘invalid’ by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Dr. Marshall explains why this is so, as well as other forms that are also invalid.