Tag: Contraception

Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education, Videos

Let’s Talk: Parents Alert! Sexualisation of your children.

Source: HLI Ireland via youtube.com. Lisa is joined by Patrick McCrystal (HLI Ireland Executive Director) to discuss recent plans by the Irish Health Minister to make contraception freely available to 17-25 Year olds (with the intention of extending the scheme to younger children soon). Header image: HLI Ireland via youtube.com.

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Life Issues, Uncategorised

Climate Change, Abortion and the Sexual Revolution

Source: Katarina Carranco via Population Research Institute Are Abortion And Contraception The Solution To The Climate Crisis? It’s a good question. After all, climate crisis advocates blame human activity as the leading cause for climate change. So why not push for global access to abortion and contraception under the guise […]

Culture, Science & Society, Teaching, Videos

How Can Birth Control Be Wrong? Part II

This is Part Two of a three-part video series on the reasons behind the Catholic Church’s teaching against contraception.
In this video, I explain the natural law reasoning behind the teaching. What is the natural law? (what rational beings must do to perfect their natures.) How easy is it to understand? (Yes!) Why does the Church rely on it if it’s not something revealed by God in the Bible?

Culture, Science & Society, Teaching, Videos

How Can Birth Control Be Wrong? Part III

In Part 3, I give you five facts that explode the myth that the world is suffering a population explosion (in reality it’s a population implosion), and two analogies to help understand the moral difference between natural family planning (NFP) and contraception. All the content is drawn from my book The Contraception Deception: Catholic Teaching On Birth Control.