Tag: Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI

Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Moving From A Crisis of Beauty To A Culture of Reverence

Source: Margarita Mooney Clayton via thewayofbeauty.org Reprinted with permission. The present time of crisis in higher education may tempt us away from pondering fundamental questions about the human person that are essential to understanding what education is all about. But educators should not fall prey to cultural or societal pessimism—it […]

Pope Benedict XVI
Presentations, Videos

Is Benedict XVI still Pope?

Source: Dr. Taylor Marshall on YouTube This is a short “DR TAYLOR MARSHALL HIGHLIGHTS Clip” from “Bp Athanasius Schneider & Dr Taylor Marshall discuss Theology and Liturgy” The full episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhe4i… There is a second Taylor Marshall channel that has shortened versions and “highlights” and “best […]